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The Davis/Williams Memorial Scholarship Endowment
The Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha have established the Davis/Williams Memorial Scholarship Endowment in the memory of our Brothers John Robert Davis and Doug Wiley Williams. For the past several years the alumni of Lambda Chi Alpha have sponsored an annual golf tournament to help fund this scholarship. The scholarship is awarded annually to an academically distinguished student, with preference given to Brothers of Lambda Chi Alpha. 

Tax-deductible donations can be made directly to the fund by mailing checks to:
          Gift Accounting Director
          The College of William and Mary
          P.O. Box 1693
          Williamsburg, VA  23188
          Attn: Davis/Williams Memorial Scholarship Endowment

Donations to the scholarship fund should be made payable to:
          The College of William & Mary Foundation
        memo: Davis/Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Michael C. Duffy Scholarship Fund
The Godparents of Mike Duffy have established The Michael C. Duffy Scholarship Fund at St. Gabriel School in Hartford, Connecticut, as a living memorial to Michael. The scholarships in his name are awarded, as graduation prizes to assist a male and female student in attending the high school of his/her choice. The criteria for the awards are based on academic performance, well-rounded nature, involvement in the school community and the dynamic characteristics that personified Michael's life, including his Faith and Christian values.

Donations can be made directly to the fund by mailing checks to:
          The Michael C. Duffy Scholarship Awards
          St. Gabriel School
          77 Bloomfield Avenue
          Windsor, CT 06095
          Attn:  Mrs. Pamela Martin - Principal

Donations to the scholarship fund should be made payable to:
          St. Gabriel School
        memo: The Michael C. Duffy Scholarship Fund

Jerry Tuttle - "Operation: Share The Burden"
"Operation: Share the Burden" - a reference to one of Jerry's most cherished community service events, originally organized by the Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity at The College of William & Mary.

"Operation: Share the Burden" is a pledge to gather the extended network of Jerry's fraternity brothers and friends to start a higher educational trust fund for the benefit of Abigail & Avery Tuttle.

Donations can be made to the fund by mailing checks to:
          Michael J. Hearle
          Tuttle Fund
          2 Acorn Street
          Boston, MA 02108

Donations to the scholarship fund should be made payable to:
          College America
        memo: Tuttle Fund

The Gerald L. Tuttle, Jr. Scholarship Endowment
This Endowment shall support scholarship assistance for a junior, or senior student majoring in government with a preference for a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and, if possible, a preference for a student also interested in English studies.

Tax-deductible donations can be made directly to the fund by mailing checks to:
          Gift Accounting Director
          The College of William and Mary
          P.O. Box 1693
          Williamsburg, VA  23188
          Attn: The Gerald L. Tuttle, Jr. Scholarship Endowment

Donations to the scholarship fund should be made payable to:
          The College of William & Mary Foundation
        memo: Tuttle Memorial Scholarship Fund